lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

¡Feliz Noche de Reyes a todos!

In Spain, the night of January 5th is very especial for the kids. The Three Holy Kings (Magical Kings we call them) visit our homes during the night and leave presents for everyone, especially the children. Kids must have behaved good during the year in order to get them, and must go to bed early, because they are not allowed to see the Kings. They normally get up very early the next day, January the 6th, and ver excited. It´s lovely to see happiness shinig on their faces, and as a father, it´s a day I enjoy very much.

Los Reyes Magos del belén de mis padres llegan a pie, no en camello. Aún así, siempre llegan.

Feliz noche de Reyes a todos! Espero que los Reyes se porten bien con vosotros, y os traigan regalos acorde a los tiempos de crisis que vivimos!

IPhone 6 + Snapseed.

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